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Gain Invaluable Perspectives in Leadership

Leadership Challenge Program
Level I (LCP-I)


Course Overview

LCP-I focuses on individual behavioral preferences, leadership tendencies and the efficacy of those preferences in the short and long term.

A model for understanding the dynamics of leadership is presented with facilitated participation to promote the understanding of a variety of psychological instrument results and how they reveal the individual’s approach to leadership challenges in a variety of scenarios. The specific challenges of change, decision making and conflict resolution are addressed.

LCP-I is targeted for individuals in the organization who are asked to lead small groups and “worry about things other than themselves.”


  • Develop an awareness of individual leadership strengths, weaknesses, preferences, styles, and behaviors
  • Understand and apply “diversity of thought”
  • Learn a model for understanding and appreciating leadership challenges
  • Assess and understand preferred styles for approaching leadership in individual and team settings
  • Experience leadership styles in a work group activity with a shared and executable vision
  • Identify and understand key organizational cultural traits that impact the
  • organization’s performance
  • Develop an awareness and appreciation for multigenerational and cross- cultural environments
  • Appreciate the concept of life-long learning by creating a list of attainable goals and practical strategies to reach them.

Self-Assessments Tools:

Participants complete five credentialed assessments prior to and during class that will be introduced during key segments of the course to provide personal insight on how each individual is unique and how we apply our uniqueness to multiple leadership development applications. These verifiable instruments include:
