Effective leaders have realistic assessments of their own abilities. Studies show that a high self-awareness score is the strongest predictor of overall success. However, looking in the mirror is never easy, but this is where mountains are scaled. A personal leadership development plan gets you where you need to go faster, better, smarter.
Leaders need to uncover where they stand now and how this current frame of reference affects their role in leadership. There is no greater loss than not living up to potential. Understanding self is an essential building block for any future success.
Imagine what being a leader would be like with an instruction manual. What wouldn’t leaders be able to accomplish without a road map to the inner workings of their own brain and emotions?
Everyone has pre-determined attributes that run alongside an entire spectrum of an inner being that changes and adapts through growth and development. How one faces difficult decisions, reacts to new ideas and is influenced by experience and environment is filled with opportunity. Leadership Foundry gets leaders on the path to self discovery. Your personal leadership development can not continue to be put off to the side.
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A customer sought a way to address a growing concern that a significant portion of leaders in the organization were not demonstrating the vital leadership attributes of creativity, flexibility and initiative. Specific feedback was a majority of their leaders relied too much on methods that worked previously, in another place at another time, but did not work as effectively in their current situation. And, most significantly, higher-level leaders were stifling the initiative of junior ones through micromanagement and implementation of policies to reduce risk.
As you know, leadership self-awareness drives overall effectiveness. At our foundry, we create opportunities, as leaders, to understand about how your wiring impacts how you perceive the world and how you react to various stimuli. Increased awareness aids individuals in identifying their strengths and how to leverage those strengths in the work environment. In fact, a personal leadership development plan can not be created without this knowledge.
By uncovering blind spots, we provide instrumental insights into how these behaviors can derail relationships and leadership effectiveness. We work with you to enhance your organization’s appreciation for personality differences and how diversity of thought ultimately accelerates organizational success. We believe anything can be accomplished when people work together.